ChildIN proposes learning provisions in the field of childminding, to support the acquisition of competences related to the care of children on the autism spectrum. This requires partnership among different organisations, such as Vocational and Educational Training (VET) providers, associations of parents and experts, intermediate bodies, all included in the consortium, in order to design and develop learning tailored on real needs of final beneficiaries. This will also contribute to professionalisation and employability of childminders, who are often low-skilled workers looking for new career pathways.

ChildIN directly contributes to the field priority of VET of providing upgrading pathways in lifelong learning for a profession whose impact is largely underestimated: the work is carried out across countries, according to European standards and in compliance with the learning outcomes approach, to contribute also to an overall aim of recognition of the profession, which is certified in some countries, but not yet in others.

ChildIN is also in line with the national priorities for France, by pursuing equity and inclusion of children with disability, in line with the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD), by enhancing skills for care of autistic children in childminders.