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Addressing COVID-19 anxieties: Resources for autistic youth, adults and parents

The deconfinement measures introduced throughout Europe have fashioned new hurdles for autistic people and their families to overcome. In order to help autistic people and their families cope with anxieties around returning to everyday activities and social situations, ChildIN would like to share some relevant resources.   

In March 2020, countries across Europe and the globe announced confinement measures in order to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. During this period of confinement, autistic people faced significant challenges as they witnessed disruption in their routines and a lack of access to their usual services and care.

Since the number of new cases has been decreasing in Europe, many countries have begun introducing deconfinement measures. This change has presented a number of new challenges for people on the autism spectrum. The return to previous routines requires changing habits and an increase in exposure to social and sensory situations which can often be a source of anxiety and exhaustion for autistic people. A gradual re-introduction to everyday situations and activities can help with the adjustment and reduce apprehension.

Here below you can download two resources in French on coping with the deconfinement measures which are addressed to children, young people, adults, parents and other individuals on the autism spectrum. The aim of these documents is to help autistic people better navigate the difficulties that come with the easing of confinement. The documents include exercises to help manage emotional and psychological stress as well as exercises to help cope with changes in routine.

Guide pour un déconfinement serein: À destination des adolescents et adultes avec TSA

Livret D’accompagnement vers le deconfinement 

Sharing resources across Europe

ChildIN’s project partner Autism-Europe has put together a list of resources and tips in multiple European languages on how to deal with issues around COVID-19. The list includes resources to help cope with stress and uncertainty, social stories and visual guides, and other support initiatives, resources and tips from the autism community.

View the list of resources here

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